Selasa, 30 Juli 2013

How Important The Honesty In Our Life Is

Oleh Nurfazlina, 2nd class of SMP N 1 Candung
written and read in Muhadharah SMP N 1 Candung 

Islam teach us to do honest because with honesty our life will be welfare, happy, unafraid, and secured. Rasulullaah has given us many such about honesty in his life. Holy Qur’an and Hadits also have explained about honesty to moslem very much.

One of Rasulullaah’s character is Siddiq that means honest. One time, there was a person asked to Siti Aisyah: “Hai Aisyah, How is the character of Rasulullaah?” Aisyah answer : “The Rasulullaah’s character is Holy Qur’an and one of the content is about honest”.

One time, Rasulullaah SAW brought A widow’s goods. The widow named Siti Khadijah. Because of his honesty Rasulullaah can maste a half traffic trade between Mecca and Syam.
Muhammad prophet said “Shouldly you always do honest because the honesty will bring you to benevolince and the benevolince will bring to syurga”.

Based on what Rasulullaah says above, clearly Islam ask doing honest in our daily life. Honest is a good behaviour that become recources of all thing in life. Honest is very useful in altering the lucky and walfare. The honest people ‘ll be liked by many people because they are not worryed about his or her behaviour. The honesty are very advantages for ourselve and for other people.

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